09-10-2015The Updated Strategy observes, This Update is a call to action to myriad systems: everyone is needed to put this Strategy into action and end the HIV epidem...
Agencies Developing Federal Action Plan to Implement Updated National HIV/AIDS Strategy Addressing Potential Discrimination against Health Professions Students with HBV Infection 06-14-2013Federal Leads Review Progress at One-Year Anniversary 07-27-2011HHS Region VIII Agencies Convene to Discuss National HIV/AIDS Strategy Implementation 05-02-2011With efforts to implement the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) unfolding across the country, we thought it would be valuable to gather our Federal colleagues i…Lead Federal Departments Confer About National HIV/AIDS Strategy Plans 11-30-2010Representatives of each of the Federal agencies designated by the President as lead agencies responsible for implementing the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS).…HHS Meets with Lead Federal Departments about the NHAS 09-22-2010