Learn More About EHE
Content From: HIV.gov•Updated: February 1, 2025•3 min read
Stay up-to-date with the latest information on: Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S.

Read the latest HIV.gov blog posts about the EHE initiative

HRSA's Role in Implementing the EHE Initiative

CDC’s Role in Implementing the EHE Initiative

Explore the dashboard of the NIH-supported EHE implementation science projects Exit Disclaimer

CDC Data Shows Increasing in PrEP Uptake in Nearly All EHE Jurisdictions (October 2023)

HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau infographic highlights 2021 EHE data (September 2023)

EHE Success Story: Dismantling HIV and STI Testing Barriers in Baltimore City, MD with Self- and Mail-In Tests (July 2023)

EHE Success Story: Expanding TelePrEP in EHE Jurisdictions Through Online Learning and Collaboration (July 2023)

Summary of Themes from HRSA’s 2021 EHE Community Engagement Listening Sessions (2022)

American Journal of Public Health’s Feature on EHE Initiative (January 2020)Exit Disclaimer

Snapshot of Federal EHE Activities in 2019 & 2020 (May 2021)

CDC Vital Signs: Increased HIV Testing, Treatment & Prevention Needed to End the HIV Epidemic (December 2019)

Ending HIV Will Require Optimizing Treatment and Prevention Tools, Say NIH Experts (October 2019)

American Public Health Association Interview on EHE Initiative (October 2019)Exit Disclaimer

IHS Awards $2.4 Million to Tribal Epidemiology Centers to Address EHE Initiative Strategies (October 2019)

HHS Awards $2.27 Billion in Grants to Help Americans Access HIV Care and Treatment as Part of EHE Initiative (October 2019)

HHS Awards $13.5 Million to Accelerate State and Local EHE Planning Efforts (October 2019)

SAMHSA's Role in Implementing the EHE Initiative (October 2019) (PDF, 10.7 MB)

De Kalb, GA Receives Jumpstart Funding for EHE Initiative (July 2019) (PDF, 108 KB)

Baltimore, MD Receives Jumpstart Funding for EHE Initiative (July 2019) (PDF, 108 KB)

Baton Rouge, LA Receives Jumpstart Funding for EHE Initative (July 2019) (PDF, 108 KB)

CDC Vital Signs: Ending the HIV Epidemic - Treatment is Prevention (March 2019)

Statement on EHE Initiative from the Indian Health Service's Principal Deputy Director (February 2019)

OIDP / HIV.gov EHE Stakeholder Webinars Exit Disclaimer

HRSA HAB Quarterly EHE WebinarsExit Disclaimer

HHS leaders and community members involved in implementing EHE participated in a satellite session convened during AIDS 2020: Virtual in JulyExit Disclaimer

HHS HIV Leaders' World AIDS Day 2019 Message: We Can End the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (December 2019)Exit Disclaimer

NIH’s Dr. Dieffenbach Discusses How Implementation Research Is Supporting EHE Jurisdictions (November, 2019)

Presentations & Discussions about EHE Initiative at PACHA Meeting (October 2019)Exit Disclaimer

Conversation from USCA: CDC and HRSA Leaders on Ending the HIV Epidemic (September 2019)
HHS HIV Leaders Discuss the EHE Initiative (September, 2019)

EHE Initiative Implementation Update (August 2019) Listen to audio (MP3, 11.2 MB). View slides (PDF, 6.8 MB).

HHS HIV Leaders Discuss Ending the HIV Epidemic by 2030 (June 2019)Exit Disclaimer

Kaiser Family Foundation Discussion about EHE Initiative (April 2019)Exit Disclaimer

HHS HIV Leaders Provide Overview of EHE Initiative to PACHA (March 2019)Exit Disclaimer