05-07-2024HIV.gov s Director, Miguel Gomez, talks with NMAC s Harold Phillips about the recent Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit in Seattle regarding two of the Summit...
Watch NMAC’s Harold Phillips Discuss Two Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit Plenary Sessions HIV Self-Test Kits and Prevention Tools: CDC’s Dr. Neblett Fanfair on 2024 CROI Highlights 03-15-2024Last week during the 2024 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), HIV.gov spoke with CDC s Robyn Neblett Fanfair, MD, MPH, CAPT USPHS,..…SAMHSA Funding Opportunity: Substance Use and HIV Prevention Navigator Program for Racial/Ethnic Minorities 04-25-2023The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is seeking applications under a $10 milli...SAMHSA Funding Opportunity: Substance Use Disorder Treatment and HIV Services for Medically Underserved Racial and Ethnic Minority Individuals 04-06-2023The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) recently published a nearly $21 million f...The First 72 Hours after a Sexual Assault are Critical for HIV Prevention 04-28-2021National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day 04-08-2020New CDC Initiative Educates Providers about PrEP and PEP 10-17-2018New Tools and Information for Health Care Providers from CDC about HIV Treatment, Care, and Prevention 09-26-2018Strengthening Federal Efforts on PrEP and PEP 06-08-2016XOXO: Put Your #BestDefense Into Play 03-07-2016CDC awards $216 million to community-based organizations to deliver the most-effective HIV prevention strategies to those in greatest need 07-01-2015The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced today that it has awarded $216 million over five years to 90 community-based organizations (CBOs) natio…