Social Media Technical Assistance at the #APHA14 Conference and After
Content From: Yumna Bahgat, New Media Coordinator,, and Jodi Sperber,•Published: December 09, 2014•3 min read
This year, conference attendees had two ways to receive free social media TA. The first way was to attend the Social Media Lab - a space where over 60 conference attendees had their individual questions answered in a one-on-one session with an social media expert. In addition to these customized training sessions, this year, the team also offered a series of group classes, which reached 105 individuals and collectively addressed popular social media topics that are frequently brought to the Social Media Lab. For a peek at this year’s Social Media Lab, check out this video Exit Disclaimer.
Attendees came to the Lab with a wide range of questions and varying levels of social media experience. Some had never used any social media service and wanted a primer simply on how to get started. Others had ample experience, but wanted to be more strategic in their use of different tools, such as Twitter and Facebook. Those who already had a communications strategy in place were seeking ideas for how to evaluate the impact of their outreach and improve their efforts.
- Selecting appropriate tools available in the HIV Prevention Goes Social Toolkit.
- Presenting a class on using the editorial calendar: our staff here at use a modified version of this free toolExit Disclaimer created by Lightbox CollaborativeExit Disclaimer, and have found it to be very useful as a starting point as it underscores the value of building social media into organizations’ broader communication strategy and goals.
Also, check out the Social Media page for more resources.
Do you have a social media question? Whether at a conference, or through online support, the social media team is here to help!