01-11-2021America s HIV Epidemic Analysis Dashboard (AHEAD) is an online data visualization tool that tracks progr...
HIV Care Continuum
AHEAD: Monitoring Progress Toward Achieving the Nation’s Viral Suppression Goals AHEAD: Tracking Linkage to HIV Medical Care Data to End the HIV Epidemic 11-13-2020HIV treatment improves the health, quality of life, and life expectancy of people with HIV. Research has shown that people with HIV who take antiretrovir...AHEAD Dashboard Updated to Reflect 2020 Data on Two Key Indicators 10-20-2020The recent AHEAD update incorporates the preliminary cumulative quarterly 2020 HIV data from the CDC on two key EHE indicators. Data for the years 2019 and 202.…Toolkit Highlights Ways to Improve HIV Outcomes through Data Sharing and Housing and Care Coordination 04-22-2020Public Health Reports Supplement on Multi-year CAPUS Demonstration Project 02-20-2019More HIV Research Highlights from CROI 2018 (Videos) 03-07-2018Our coverage from the 2018 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) in Boston continued yesterday with three interviews with Federal HIV l…HIV in the African American Community: Progress, But Our Work Is Far From Over 02-07-2018We have made great progress in the fight against HIV in the United States. Annual HIV infections and diagnoses have...Ryan White and National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day 02-02-2018Individuals who get their HIV/AIDS care from the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) have low incomes, little to no health coverage, but relatively high rates..…Improvement Needed STAT: Linkage to HIV Care 09-27-2017Join Us: Community Response to the Effects of HIV Treatment and Viral Suppression on Sexual Transmission – Webinar 06-20-2017Collaborative HIV Program Improves Long-term Care for Youths in the United States 05-23-2017Funding Opportunities for Research to Help Achieve HIV Prevention and Treatment Goals 03-22-2017Rural HIV Toolkit Available 03-01-2017Digital Storytelling for Change 01-10-2017New HIV Prevention Model Published 12-14-2016CMS, CDC & HRSA Host State Medicaid & Public Health HIV Health Improvement Affinity Group 12-05-2016The improvement plans for the six states in this learning community (California, Georgia, Iowa, Maryland, North Carolina, and Wisconsin) will focus on institut.…We Are Changing Our Name To: “HIV.gov” 11-30-2016We write frequently about our commitments to following the science, tracking data, gathering user feedback, and responding to the community s needs and our...Data to Care: A Critical Tool for Ending AIDS in New York State 10-31-2016Part of the CDC s High Impact HIV Prevention Initiative, Data to Care represents a new public health strategy that aims to use health department HIV su...CDC’s Drs. Hader and McCray Discuss Developments from AIDS 2016 07-20-2016This morning, on the second full day of the International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016) in Durban, South Africa, we had the chance to hear from Dr. Shannon Hader,…CMS, CDC, & HRSA Launch HIV Health Improvement Affinity Group for State Medicaid Programs 06-24-2016