You Can Help Consumers, Providers And Enrollment Assisters Get The Facts About Health Coverage

Content From: Mira Levinson, MPH, Project Director, ACE TA CenterPublished: November 17, 20163 min read
ACE Poster: with Joey
HIV programs have been doing great work to get people living with HIV enrolled in Marketplace health coverage since Open Enrollment began on November 1. Here are some resources to help keep it going!Resources for consumers and HIV providers: ACE TA Center digital, print, and video resources help consumers get enrolled, stay enrolled, and learn how to use their coverage. These resources also build community providers’ knowledge and capacity to engage and enroll consumers. Use the ACE TA Center’s new Open Enrollment Twitter ToolkitExit Disclaimer to share these resources and build the health insurance literacy of consumers and providers. The ACE TA Center has developed tailored messages for consumers and providers, so you can use different messages for different target audiences. Health departments and community partners can help get the word out to HIV service providers, who in turn can share key messages and resources with consumers.

The messages in this Twitter Toolkit promote clear, accurate, and culturally competent resources from the ACE TA Center on timely Open Enrollment topics including reasons to get covered, preparing for a visit with an enrollment assister, comparing insurance plans, getting financial help, making the most of new coverage, and staying covered throughout the year.

Resources for enrollment assisters in your community: Do you know who is helping consumers get enrolled in your community? Do these assisters understand the coverage and affordability needs of people living with HIV? One-on-one enrollment assistance is crucial, and every HIV program (if they aren’t certified to enroll clients themselves) should establish referral partnerships with enrollment assisters that understand the needs of people living with HIV. Sometimes this means training these partners on key information such as the importance of HIV medication and provider continuity, and the availability of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, including the AIDS Drug Assistance Program, to provide additional assistance to eligible people living with HIV.

Use the ACE TA Center video and fact sheet for assistersExit Disclaimer to begin discussions with enrollment partners about how to support the needs of people living with HIV in your community. An archived webinar, presented by HRSA and the ACE TA Center, is also available on that page to help organizations provide more in-depth orientation for enrollment assisters that are new to supporting people living with HIV. Find enrollment assisters in your community at

And finally, remember: Marketplace Open Enrollment period ends January 31, 2017, but consumers must enroll by December 15 if they want coverage that begins on January 1, so make sure to get the word out now!

The Access, Care, and Engagement (ACE) TA Center aims to help Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program recipients and subrecipients support their clients, especially people of color, to navigate the health care environment through enrollment in health coverage and improved health literacy.