Where Are Those HIV.gov Resources For National HIV Testing Day?

Content From: HIV.govPublished: June 13, 20173 min read

The core message for National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) is the importance of knowing your HIV status and getting an HIV test on a routine basis if you meet certain criteria. The newly redesigned HIV.gov site continues to provide resources that support this awareness day – and action. 


People can make better health choices when doing so is simple and easy. The HIV Testing Sites & Care Services Locator makes it a breeze to find a testing site! Just enter a ZIP code to find a convenient testing location. 

The Locator also provides additional information on nearby services, such as mental health, substance use, housing, and more. Those services may also offer opportunities for service providers to encourage and support their clients’ future readiness for HIV testing.

You can share this tool by adding the locator widget to your site.

HIV Basics

Our HIV Basics section clearly explains what HIV is, how it differs from AIDS, and the types of HIV tests that are currently available. We’ve organized our testing content to answer some of the questions that people typically have when they are thinking about taking an HIV test.

This year’s NHTD theme - Test Your Way. Do It Today. - reflects that there are several ways you can be tested for HIV, depending on where you take the test. Our HIV Testing Overview explains how HIV testing works and what to expect when you do it.

HIV.gov adapted this content from CDC's HIV Basics. CDC is our nation’s leading national HIV prevention agency, so be sure to check out their extensive resources, which are made available by the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention.


Inspiring, true stories can also help answer questions such as “Should I get tested?” and more. HIV.gov’s digital storytelling project, Positive Spin, features the real-life stories of five black, gay men who are living with HIV and who share their unique experiences along the HIV continuum of care. The first phase of the continuum is to know your HIV status.  The five Know Your Status videos feature each man’s description of his experience of learning he was living with HIV. Watching these videos can lead to awareness and action. We encourage you to share these digital resources on your website and social media channels around National HIV Testing Day.

The downloadable Positive Spin facilitator’s guide includes video summaries and discussion questions specific to the videos for all five stages of the continuum.  Using the Know Your Status videos and questions in a community group discussion can help you build awareness and engage individuals in ways that may inform their own next steps.

Importantly, HIV.gov continues to link to other federal resources relevant to National HIV Testing Day. For example, in our Federal Response section, under the campaigns section, we highlight the CDC’s Doing It campaign and other HIV awareness  campaigns. In addition, our NHTD page includes links to CDC’s Act Against AIDS videos, this year’s posters, social media resources and more.

As you prepare for National HIV Testing Day, we hope these resources – and all the assets within the pages of HIV.gov-- can support your communications about HIV testing and why it’s so important for everyone to know their HIV status.