Science, Money, Strategy, Tools, & Consequences: 5 Themes from 2018’s Most-Read Posts on the Federal Response to HIV

Content From: HIV.govPublished: December 26, 20183 min read


Screen grab of the blog landing page fro Federal Response.

As 2018 draws to an end, we've been looking back at the most-viewed blog posts of the year. Our readers are interested in a variety of HIV-related topics covered here on the blog. This year, they seemed particularly interested in posts about the Federal Response to HIV, which is one of four main content areas on Looking at the 100 most-viewed posts published in 2018, nearly two-thirds were about the Federal Response. Among these posts, we noticed some themes about what captured readers' attention this year:

1. Rapidly Evolving Advances in HIV Research

Readers were interested in advances in HIV research that we shared from CROI and AIDS 2018 as well as cross-posts from our colleagues at NIH and NIAID. The most-viewed post in this category was a video from NIAID that helped us all understand research underway to find an HIV cure. Other posts that garnered lots of views included:

2. Progress on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy

Posts about our progress toward the nation's current HIV goals and plans to develop the next edition of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) were also popular with readers. Some of the most-viewed posts about the NHAS included:

3. Infectious Disease Consequences of the Opioid Crisis

The HIV and hepatitis C risks associated with rising rates of injection drug because of the opioid crisis were also a topic of interest to our readers this year. Among the most-viewed posts were:

4. Funding News

Readers were also interested in posts about funding opportunities from federal agencies and the grants that were awarded, such as these:

5. Tools and Resources to Support Community and Clinical HIV Responses

Posts about new HIV toolkits, educational opportunities, and other resources from federal partners were also popular with readers, such as these posts:

A number of these posts (and many others not listed here) were guest posts or cross-posts from our partners at agencies across the U.S. government. We're grateful to them for their collaboration as we all work to widely share information about the federal response to HIV to support stakeholders in communities across the nation.

Thanks for following for updates on the Federal Response to HIV this year. We look forward to continuing to share information with you in 2019 on these and other topics. Happy New Year!