Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program to Commemorate Historic Milestone on August 18

HRSA’s HIV/AIDS Bureau is counting down to an historic milestone – the 25th anniversary of the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act – which takes place on August 18, 2015. The theme for the 25th anniversary commemoration is “Moving Forward with CARE: Building on 25 Years of Passion, Purpose, and Excellence.”
Today, the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) plays a critical role in the United States’ public health response to HIV and is the largest Federal program exclusively providing services to people living with the disease. Working with cities, states, and local community-based organizations, the Program funds a comprehensive system of care and treatment for more than half a million people living with HIV each year.
Over the coming weeks, the HIV/AIDS Bureau encourages Program grantees, community partners, and stakeholders to commemorate this anniversary by reflecting on the passion that inspired the legislation, the purpose that continues to drive the Program, and the excellence in health outcomes for people living with HIV receiving RWHAP-funded care.
The HIV/AIDS Bureau has launched a 25th anniversary webpage where you can find 25th anniversary resources to commemorate this significant milestone. In addition, the Bureau is asking Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program grantees to share their stories illustrating the impact their Program has made in the lives of people living with HIV over the past 25 years. For information on how to submit your story, click here. Over the coming months, the HIV/AIDS Bureau will select grantee stories to highlight on our website.
Be on the lookout for additional information in the coming days and weeks as the Program commemorates this hallmark legislation’s anniversary with a series of events and activities. For more information, visit hab.hrsa.gov/ryanwhite25.