New Issue Brief on ACA and People Living with HIV from Kaiser Family Foundation
The Kaiser Family Foundation has released a new issue brief, The ACA and People Living with HIV: Profiles from the FieldExit Disclaimer Featuring in-depth profiles of 12 people living with HIV, the document highlights how the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) coverage expansions impacted their access to coverage and care.
According to the Issue Brief’s authors, while some of the individuals profiled experienced serious bumps along the way, those who gained coverage through Medicaid and the Marketplaces were largely able to meet both their HIV and non-HIV care needs. At the same time, the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program continued to play a role in HIV care and coverage, both for those who remained uninsured and for those who gained new insurance.
The profiles are drawn from one-on-one interviews with conducted after the second ACA open enrollment period concluded in February 2015. Participants came from both states expanding their Medicaid programs and from states that have elected not to expand.
The brief is now available on Disclaimer