National Latino AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD) : “Commit to Speak”/“Comprométete a Hablar”

Content From: AIDS.govPublished: October 17, 20133 min read


National Latino HIV Awareness Logo

Editor’s Note: October 15 was National Latino AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD). is providing the blog post below to remember the core messages of NLAAD which is observed annually on October 15th.

This year’s NLAAD theme was “Commit to Speak”/“Comprométete a Hablar”. NLAAD reminds our nation of the disproportionate impact of the HIV epidemic on the Latino community. The Latino Commission on AIDSExit Disclaimer and its partners have been providing community leadership for planning and implementing NLAAD observances. According to the NLAADExit Disclaimer web site, NLAAD “unitethe Hispanic/Latino community in efforts to raise HIV awareness, promotion of HIV testing, prevention and education”.

Social Media and NLAAD 2013:

The NLAAD partners use social media because it allows people from across the community to connect and share their voices on concerns and opportunities within our collective response to HIV. The use of social media on and around NLAAD represent a commitment to speak. Here’s just a few examples:

Instagram: The Latino Commission on AIDSExit Disclaimer enabled community members to use video and photos to tell why they’re “committed to speak”.

Video: Watch this new “Conversations with” video about NLAADExit Disclaimer in which Guillermo Chacón (President, Latino Commission on AIDS) talks about the awareness day.

Facebook: The NLAAD chapter in Buffalo used FacebookExit Disclaimer to publicize its health festival and concert leading up to NLAAD.

Twitter: @NLAADExit Disclaimer has been tweeting year round and in the lead up to the observance using the hashtag #NLAAD. On October 16, The held a Twitter chat Exit Disclaimer to get the word out about HIV and Latinos.

Blogs: The National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors blogged about The Health Department Response to HIV in Latino Communities.Exit Disclaimer The FJ BlogExit Disclaimer recognized NLAAD 2013 as well.

Finding Your Voice Using Social Media

What if you or your organization is not yet using social media to speak? We at encourage you to read the new media declaration and look anew at how social media may help you contribute your voice to the conversation about HIV prevention, treatment and care. Check out the resources in our new media section on to help you decide what audience you want to speak with – and to get started in using social media.

Moving Ahead: What to Talk About?

In support of efforts to reach more people in the Latino community, here are a few resources to talk about:

Let’s Stop HIV Together ™ and Detengamos Juntos el VIH™ are CDC-supported campaigns. Let’s Stop HIV Together™ features people living with HIV and their loved ones or friends. The campaign raises awareness about the impact of HIV and reduces stigma by showing that people living with HIV are mothers, fathers, friends, partners, brothers, sisters, coworkers, sons, and daughters.

The REASONS/RAZONES campaign is the CDC’s first national effort to encourage HIV testing among Latino gay and bisexual men.

On visit our HIV basics section, check out the Recursos en Español and download and share the HIV Testing Sites & Care Services Locator.

How are you using your voice on social media to talk about the impact of HIV on the Latino community?