HRSA to host National HIV Testing Day Webcast

Content From: Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services Published: June 19, 20131 min read
“Take the Test, Take Control,” the theme for National HIV Testing Day, is the message we want to deliver to the half a million people who don’t know they are living with HIV. National HIV Testing Day is June 27 and of the approximately 1.1 million people living with HIV (PLWH) in the United States, nearly one in five of these people do not know their status and many others are not receiving medical care. We can change that. And with the advent of effective antiretroviral treatment, an AIDS-free generation may be possible. HRSA-funded programs and providers can play a critical role in finding and providing care to these PLWH.

To help our grantees and others become more familiar with HIV testing, HRSA is hosting a webcast for HRSA-funded programs and providers on Monday, June 24, 2013 from 2-3 p.m. ET. HRSA Administrator Dr. Mary Wakefield will share her vision for increasing HIV testing in HRSA programs. Dr. Bernard Branson from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will share the federal guidelines for HIV testing and Dr. John Nelson from the AIDS Education and Training Center National Resource Center will share HIV testing resources.

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