5 Tips for National HIV Testing Day

Content From: AIDS.govPublished: June 25, 20151 min read


June 27 is the 20th annual observance of National HIV Testing Day (NHTD). Here are some tips for getting involved.

5 Tips for National HIV Testing Day 2015

TIP #1
This year's theme is "Take the Test. Take Control." Find resources, fact sheets and more on the National HIV Testing Day page on HIV.gov.
TIP #2
Use the hashtag #NHTDExit Disclaimer to join the join the conversation and share your HIV testing story.
TIP #3
Find HIV testing and care services with the HIV.gov locator.
TIP #4
Watch and share Positive Spin videos about getting testing and living a healthy life with HIV. #mypositivespin
TIP #5
Take control. Take the test.Knowing your status is the first step in taking care of yourself.