Who. What. When. Where. Widget.
We think a lot about spreading the news. Today we are excited to launch the Federal HIV/AIDS News Feed Widget. The HIV.gov widget consolidates the many federal HIV/AIDS news updates released by our partner U.S government (USG) agencies. Follow the following feeds to learn about program or policy updates, new resources, funding opportunities, upcoming events, and the latest research developments from HIV.govExit Disclaimer, HHS, NIH, AIDSInfo, SAMHSA, and CDC.What: The widget brings in HIV/AIDS related news from the USG across the prevention, care, treatment and research spectrum. Not sure what a widget is? Read the HIV.gov one page sheet on widgets .
Who: AIDSinfo, CDC, HHS, NIH, SAMHSA and HIV.gov have news feeds. Our widget pulls information from all of these feeds into one source through our widget. These agencies and programs are also members of the Federal HIV/AIDS Web Council (FHAWC). A key goal of the FHAWC is to cross-promotion, coordination, and collaboration to improve delivery of HIV/AIDS prevention, testing, and treatment messages and services via new media.
When: Starting today, the widget lets anyone who embeds the widget to get automatic updates without having to visit each federal site.
Where: Website managers, bloggers, and anyone can put the widget on their sites. You can get the embed code on HIV.gov.
Why: We take our communication responsibility seriously. We strive to efficiently use the best and most appropriate tools to reach health departments across the nation, federal HIV grantees, and AIDS service organizations among other audiences. The widget builds on existing resources from our federal colleagues and extends the reach of federal programs, policies, and resources that are part of our response to the epidemic.
Widget: Now that you’ve got the news about the news, please take a few minutes to see the widget, and consider adding it to your site. If you like the widget, please let us know! And visit this page to learn about all the widgets available on HIV.gov including the HIV/AIDS Prevention & Service Provider Locator.
We encourage you to use this widget if your target audience(s) would benefit!