New Resources to Assist Ryan White Client Enroll In and Use Health Coverage

Content From: AIDS.govPublished: August 06, 20152 min read


The Affordable Care Enrollment (ACE) TA Center Exit Disclaimer has released two new resources to help Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program clients enroll in and use their new health coverage.

Download and share these resources!

  • making-the-most-of-your-coverage
    Making the Most of Your Coverage—Health insurance can be confusing for everyone, especially if you’ve recently enrolled in coverage for the first time. This resource helps newly enrolled Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program clients understand how to start using their new benefits. The guide provides information in plain language about:
    • Identifying important health insurance documents
    • Defining key insurance terms
    • Anticipating potential health care costs
    • Knowing where to go for care
    • Making the most of each medical visit

Download: Making the Most of Your Coverage consumer guideExit Disclaimer

  • get-covered-for-a-healthy-life
    Get Covered for a Healthy Life—Open Enrollment for 2016 Marketplace plans starts November 1, 2015, so it's almost time to start engaging Ryan White clients and others in the HIV community in conversations about the benefits of health insurance. This Q&A helps answer common questions individuals may have as they consider getting enrolled.

Download: Get Covered for a Healthy Life Q & AExit DisclaimerUpdated Provider ToolsThe ACE TA Center has also updated some of its existing tools for HIV care providers:

The ACE TA CenterExit Disclaimer works to help Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program grantees and sub-grantees enroll Ryan White clients, especially people of color, in health insurance.