National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day (NHAAAD)

Content From: Deb LeBel, Partnerships Specialist, AIDS.govPublished: September 18, 20143 min read



Today is the 7th annual observance of National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day (NHAAAD). This year’s theme reminds us that Aging is a part of life: HIV doesn’t have to be. To further the goals of reducing new cases of HIV among older people and supporting those who are living with HIV, we would like to highlight a selection of resources for understanding and responding to the impact of HIV on people over age 50.

Know the Facts: State of the Epidemic

What do you know about the incidence of HIV among people over age 50?Many Federal agencies have a role in responding to the impact of HIV among older Americans. Check out these statistical resources from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Medical advances have transformed and extended the lives of many people living with HIV. Yet treatment and care issues for older people living with HIV may be especially complex due to the intersection of HIV disease with other health issues.Wondering how HIV and aging intersect?Visit our page to find out about living with HIV as you age with speakers from the Administration on Aging at the Administration for Community Living, the National Hispanic Council on AgingExit Disclaimer, and the National LGBT Health Education CenterExit Disclaimer.

Using New Media to Find Your Community

Do you know how older Americans are using social media to connect about health-related concerns, including HIV?The facts about social media use among this age range may surprise youExit Disclaimer. Here are some ways you can use social media to connect with Americans over age 50 who are affected by HIV/AIDS.

TwitterHere are a few Twitter handles for organizations that are leading the social media dialog. You can follow the conversation about #HIV and aging on Twitter even if you are not tweeting.

Start by following the hashtag #NHAAAD for updates on National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day. To follow community and Federal organizations that are speaking out about HIV and aging, follow the AIDS InstituteExit Disclaimer (@AIDSadvocacyExit Disclaimer), which is the founder and community lead for National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day. Or check out @NLM_HIVplus50Exit Disclaimer and @AoAgovExit Disclaimer.

FacebookPrefer to connect on Facebook? There are many organizations talking about local NHAAAD events and aging issues on Facebook. Start with looking at ACRIA’s postsExit Disclaimer. Find NHAAAD events on this listExit Disclaimer organized by the AIDS Institute.

Blogs and WebsitesIt’s not too late to blog about NHAAAD or to comment on a blog post that recognizes the day. You might want to read and share our HIV and aging posts.

If you have a website, add the HIV Testing Sites & Care Services Locator widget to your space as part of a feature on NHAAAD. You would be helping people find nearby HIV testing services, housing providers, health centers, and other service providers.

Keep The Conversation Going

Connecting with friends or relatives who are over age 50 today?Let them know that today is NHAAAD and that Aging is a part of life: HIV doesn’t have to be. Share the facts and start the conversation.

Heading into a meeting at work?Download the Locator app or for Android phonesExit Disclaimer) and show all your colleagues how to find the most convenient location for HIV testing and services.

No matter your age, I encourage you to recognize National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day today.

What are you doing today to observe National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day? Let us know how you’ve been part of today’s online and offline conversations.