National HIV Testing Day TwitterViews

New media has become a crucial tool for relaying health information, sharing resources, developing and maintaining partnerships, promoting events and building community. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and other Federal partners have taken great strides in using new media as a form of outreach and communication, including the use of blogs, TwitterExit Disclaimer, FacebookExit Disclaimer, podcasts, e-cards and online videos. We have been delighted to see partners, nonprofits, public health professionals, advocates and others who have been touched by HIV/AIDS unite to form a community under such social media platforms.
CDC has found Twitter – the popular online networking site that allows members to share “microblogs” - to be an effective tool to engage with the HIV/AIDS community. CDC has hosted events on Twitter surrounding HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, STDs and TB, such as last year’s “Twitter Town Hall.

On June 27, 2011, we observe National HIV Testing Day, a day which encourages HIV testing and early detection of HIV/AIDS. To commemorate this day, CDC will host a series of TwitterViews, which are online interviews conducted between two Twitter accounts. The TwitterViews will be held daily June 20-24 and will feature subject matter experts on new media, HIV testing, primary care, National HIV Testing Day and mental health and substance abuse. Time will be allotted during each hour for questions and open discussion. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions prior to the TwitterView. Submit your questions or comments via Twitter to @CDCNPINExit Disclaimer or email your questions to
The following is a list of National HIV Testing Day TwitterViews to be held on TwitterExit Disclaimer:
Monday, June 20, 3:30 - 4:30 pm EDTMiguel Gomez)Topic: New Media and HIV Prevention
Tuesday, June 21, 3:30 – 4:30 pm EDTKevin Fenton, MD, PhD, FFPH)Topic: Importance of HIV Testing
Wednesday, June 22, 3:30 – 4:30 pm EDTSeiji Hayashi, MD, MPH)Topic: HIV and Primary Care
Thursday, June 23, 2:30 – 3:30 pm EDTFrank Oldham)Topic: National HIV Testing Day
Friday, June 24, 2:30 – 3:30 pm EDTGretchen Stiers)Topic: Mental Health, Substance Abuse and HIV
To participate in the real-time TwitterViews, follow @CDCNPINExit Disclaimer on Twitter and the “hashtag” #NHTDchatExit Disclaimer . We encourage you to “re-tweet,” engage in the discussions, share your thoughts and promote your National HIV Testing Day events. Remember to use #NHTDchat in your tweets so others can follow your participation. If you are unable to follow the conversation during the live interviews, the scripts will be posted in the notes section on CDC NPIN’s Facebook PageExit Disclaimer.
To find out more about National HIV Testing Day, visit We look forward to your participation in the TwitterViews and thank you for your efforts to promote National HIV Testing Day!