HRSA Honors HIV Long-Term Survivors Awareness Day

This Sunday, June 5, 2022, is HIV Long-Term Survivors Awareness Day. On this day, the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program honors the resiliency of long-term HIV survivors and remembers those who lost their lives to HIV. The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program connects people with HIV to medical care, medications, and support services so they can live long, healthy lives. In 2020, about 48% of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program clients were aged 50 years and older.
In recognition of HIV Long-Term Survivors Awareness Day, we invite our Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program recipients, stakeholder organizations, and federal partners to participate in a HRSA Twitter ThreadExit Disclaimer on June 6-9, 2022, using the hashtag #HRSAHonorsHIVSurvivors. We encourage you to share your organization’s accomplishments, goals, and resources to support people with HIV. We also invite you to comment on, like, and retweet HRSA posts.
Also, check out the blog post, I Am a Long-Term Survivor of HIV, authored by Antigone Dempsey, HAB’s Director of Policy and Data. Last year, Antigone shared what it means to be a long-term HIV survivor; the role of people with HIV in planning, developing, and providing HIV services; and her thoughts on the next phase of ending the HIV epidemic.
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