Get covered to stay in the game

Content From: Alonzo MourningPublished: January 17, 20141 min read


When sickness or injury strike, having health insurance can mean the difference between falling and getting back up and dropping out of the game.

I know, because I was at the top of my game - I felt invincible - but when I went for my regular team physical it turned out I had a serious kidney disease. Thankfully it was caught in time to treat it and luckily, I was insured.

Today people across the country who are uninsured, or just want to check out their options can get affordable, quality insurance through the new Health Insurance Marketplace.

Through the Marketplace, you can compare brand name plans and even get lower monthly payments. And importantly, as part of the health care law, health insurance plans have to offer preventive services like flu shots, diabetes and blood pressure screenings for free. Plus there are no annual or lifetime caps on coverage. So you too can get the physical you need to catch small problems before they become big ones. And the coverage you need to get ongoing care without breaking the bank.Visit today to look at your options.Quality, affordable coverage is just a call, click or conversation away. You have until March 31 to sign up.

Enroll today so you can stay in the game.