White House Office of National AIDS Policy HIV Care Continuum Webinars

Content From: AIDS.govPublished: September 12, 20132 min read

White HouseEditor’s Note: On July 15, 2013, President Obama issued an Executive Order, Accelerating Improvement in HIV Prevention and Care in the United States through the HIV Care Continuum Initiative. To learn more about the Initiative visit our HIV Care Continuum Initiative.

The White House Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP) will be hosting two webcasts to gather input from stakeholders and the community on what federal agencies can do to improve outcomes along the HIV Care Continuum.

The webcasts are free, and open to the public. They will be held on Monday, September 16 and Tuesday, September 24 from 1:00 pm-2:30 pm EDT. You will be able to provide input on the questions below by calling-in or via email.


Each webcast will begin with a brief update on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy and the HIV Care Continuum and be followed by input from the participants on the questions below.

In your on-going work to implement the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, and within the framework of the Care Continuum, please be prepared to discuss the following on each webcast:

  1. What structural, policy, and programmatic actions could be taken to improve care continuum outcomes?
  2. What actions could be taken so that evidence-based interventions focusing on the care continuum are further integrated into other proven approaches to addressing HIV? (e.g., housing, substance use treatment)?
  3. What are the research gaps, including implementation research gaps, along the care continuum?
  4. What actions are needed so that care continuum data are used effectively to monitor outcomes and drive real-time change across programs?

Please go to the following URL on the day of the Webcast to be connected:

September 16: http://services.choruscall.com/links/hrsa130916_WH.htmlExit Disclaimer

September 24: http://services.choruscall.com/links/hrsa130924_WH.htmlExit Disclaimer