We Want to Hear Your Stories About the National HIV/AIDS Strategy

Content From: HIV.govPublished: August 13, 20113 min read


Map of the United States

As we join our partners across the nation in commencing the second year of collaboration to achieve the National HIV/AIDS Strategy’s goals and realize its vision, we want to hear from you!

Through blog posts and in consultations and conversations with community members over the past year, we have shared information about some of the progress the federal government has made in implementing the Strategy. We also know that an impressive breadth and variety of actions in pursuit of the Strategy’s goals have unfolded over the past 12 months at the local, state and regional levels across all sectors. For example:

  1. Washington, DC’s Department of Health began using the NHAS goals as its reporting framework with the release of its 2010 annual HIV/AIDS report earlier this summer.
  2. Community members from south Florida convened earlier this month in Miami at a symposium to discuss implementing the NHAS convened by the HHS Regional Health Administrator.
  3. San Diego has launched, Lead the WayExit Disclaimer, a new large scale HIV testing campaign in the two ZIP Codes in the city with the highest concentration of HIV.
  4. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health launched, Erase DoubtExit Disclaimer, a multi-media advertising campaign aimed at fighting the spread of HIV in Los Angeles County. The bi-lingual campaign throughout LA County delivers information on bustails, at community events, in bars and nightclubs, and online.
  5. NAACP’s national office has several activities underway, including making HIV grants to their chapters, a 10-city faith tour addressing HIV issues, and developing a national HIV and social justice manual for faith and community leaders.
  6. New York City recently celebrated “Stepping Up In Faith For HIV and AIDSExit Disclaimer,” a week of free community faith and secular HIV educational events.

We know that these are only a few of the many examples of how individuals, organizations, businesses, communities, cities, counties, states and regions are embracing and using the NHAS as a tool to examine and improve HIV/AIDS services.Share Your ExamplesLet us know how the Strategy is being used in your community:

  1. What activities in pursuit of the Strategy’s goals have unfolded in your community over the past year?
  2. What actions will your organization or community prioritize in the coming year to contribute to the continued collective national effort to achieve the Strategy’s goals?
  3. What steps can HHS, or other federal departments, take to support and promote the integration of HIV prevention, care, and treatment services at the local level?


Join the conversation and share your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below. Please feel free to share any other thoughts you have about how we can work together to achieve the goals of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy.