PACHA Seeks Nominations
Content From: B. Kaye Hayes, MPA, Executive Director, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services•Published: September 28, 2015•1 min read

The PACHA is a federal advisory committee within HHS. It provides advice, information, and recommendations to the Secretary regarding programs and policies intended to promote effective prevention and care of HIV disease and AIDS.
The HHS Secretary appoints members of the Council, including the Chair, in consultation with the White House Office on National AIDS Policy. Members are invited to serve on the Council for overlapping terms of up to four-years. PACHA members are a diverse group of leaders with expertise in, or knowledge of, matters concerning HIV and AIDS. They come from communities, science/medicine, public health, global health, business, philanthropic organizations, and other sectors of society.
For details on making a nomination, read the notice published in the Federal Register. Read more about PACHA.