to Share Highlights from CDC’s National HIV Prevention Conference This Week

Content From: HIV.govPublished: March 18, 20192 min read
Logo for the 2019 National HIV Prevention Conference will be at the CDC’s National HIV Prevention Conference this week (March 18-21, 2019) in Atlanta and we’ll be sharing some conference highlights with you here on the blog. The conference will gather more than 3,000 HIV stakeholders to share and discuss refining, improving, and strengthening the nation’s response to HIV so that we can end the HIV epidemic.

The conference theme is “Getting to No New HIV Infections,” which highlights dynamic approaches to HIV prevention, detection, and management, and the critical roles that different communities have in achieving this vision. Participants will include representatives of state, local, and tribal health departments, community-based organizations, federal agencies, as well as researchers, clinicians, people with HIV, and others sharing the latest advancements, strategies, and accomplishments in HIV prevention. will share blog posts Tuesday through Friday featuring highlights from each of the four daily conference plenary sessions. The topics of these sessions include: Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America, PrEP, the infectious disease consequences of the opioid crisis, and HIV-related stigma.

Watch for highlights here on the blog all week. Watch the Plenaries streamed live on FacebookExit Disclaimer.

If you are at the conference, you can find at