Which of our Blog Posts and Videos Do YOU View? Looking Back at 2010
As the HIV.gov blog's fourth year begins, we at HIV.gov are taking time to reflect on 2010 and look to the year ahead. As we continue to integrate monitoring and evaluation into our work, we thought that the New Year provided a nice benchmark to look more closely at our blog. For us, the blog is a space to bring together information from across the HIV.gov project, whether it's examples of using social media tools in response to HIV, research updates, or policy updates on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy and other topics.
2010 has been quite a year -- some of the many highlights include the International AIDS Conference in Vienna, the release of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, pre-exposure prophylaxis PrEP research strides, and the return of our Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day 2010 photo initiative. Through these, and other activities, our blog readership, video viewership, and content grew tremendously this year. For example, the total number of visits to our blog in 2010 increased by nearly 300% from visits in 2009! With all this growth, we wanted to know, what are our most-viewed posts? We've compiled the most-viewed HIV.gov blog posts from 2010 from each of our categories (research, new media, National HIV/AIDS Strategy, and cross-posts from the White House Office of National HIV/AIDS Policy Blog and the CDC Health Protection Perspectives Blog). So here are the top 5:
1. Research (6/10/10): "Restructuring NIAID's HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials Networks"
2. New media (4/20/10): "New Media Microgrant Awardees"
3. National HIV/AIDS Strategy (10/12/10):
"National HIV/AIDS Strategy: Working Across Agency Lines"
4. Cross-post from the Office of National HIV/AIDS Policy blog (7/13/10):
"Announcing the National HIV/AIDS Strategy"
5. Cross-post from the CDC's Health Protection Perspectives blog (9/23/10):
"HIV in the City"
We also took this opportunity to look back at our most-viewed videos created in 2010. Here are our top 5 videos of 2010:
1. Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day 2010Exit Disclaimer
2. Taking Action in your Community: Facing AIDS 2010Exit Disclaimer
3. HIV & Aging Clips from Brothers & SistersExit Disclaimer
4. National HIV/AIDS Strategy: Public Meeting (February 24, 2010)Exit Disclaimer
5. Conversations with HIV.gov: Dr. Carl DieffenbachExit Disclaimer
Lastly, we thought we would include our most popular tweet in 2010 (with 81 retweets!) from 12/1/10:
Today is World AIDS Day, and it's important to know your status. Text your ZIP code to "KNOWIT" (566948) or visit www.HIVtest.org #WAD2010Exit Disclaimer
So what does this list tell us? For one thing, it tells us some of the topics you are interested in. It will also help us as we plan for the New Year. What do you want to hear about in 2011? Are there topics you would like us to cover more? If so, which ones?