Staying Healthy with HIV during COVID-19

Content From: HIV.govPublished: December 28, 20201 min read


Photo of Harold Phillips, Senior HIV Advisor and Chief Operating Officer of Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America.

Like many Americans, people with HIV have questions and concerns about their potential COVID-19-related risks and how to stay healthy.  Harold J. Phillips, COO for the Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) initiative, recently authored A Tale of Two Pandemics, a commentary on the intersection of HIV and COVID-19 and the role of EHE in helping people with HIV to stay healthy. He emphasized the importance of getting and staying on HIV treatment, taking HIV medicine daily as prescribed, and following the everyday preventive actions recommended by CDC to prevent getting or transmitting COVID-19.

To read the full commentary, visit futureofpersonalhealth.comExit Disclaimer.

In case you missed it: Be sure to read Dr. Jonathan Mermin’s commentary, Momentum Against HIV in AmericaExit Disclaimer.