Staying Connected at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting

Content From: Aisha Moore, Communications Associate, AIDS.govPublished: October 25, 20112 min read
Aisha Moore
Aisha Moore, Communications Director

About one month ago, I joined the team as the Communications Director. Next week, I will be attending the 139th American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting & ExpositionExit Disclaimer on behalf of Over 12,000 researchers, academicians, students, and advocates will descend on the Washington, DC Convention Center from October 29 – November 2, 2011. The meeting’s theme is “Healthy Communities Promote Healthy Minds and Bodies.” To help you navigate the meeting, I wanted to provide an overview of’s and other social media activities. Activities

The booth in the exhibit hall will promote the National HIV/AIDS Strategy and host the Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day 2011 photo initiative. This an opportunity for the larger public health community to share our thoughts on why we are all facing AIDS together. The photos will live virtually in the online Facing AIDS Gallery. To take part in Facing AIDS and learn about our HIV-related tools like the HIV/AIDS Prevention & Service Provider Locator (PDF 120KB).

Other Ways to Use Social Media to Stay Connected at the Meeting

We’ll be attending the APHA tweet-up to meet with our fellow public health colleagues to discuss how we use social media to promote healthy communities. Join us at the tweet-up on October 30 from 7 to 9PM at 901 Restaurant & Bar, 901 9th Street. Mention or send a direct message to @AIDSgovExit Disclaimer so we can connect.

At the meeting, you can also check-in using Foursquare at the various locations in the convention center and find out who else is there:

  • APHA Annual Meeting & Exposition Registration
  • APHA Annual Meeting & Exposition PHocal Point
  • APHA Annual Meeting & Exposition Activity Posting Center
  • APHA Annual Meeting & Exposition Opening General Session
  • APHA Headquarters

You can also read the APHA Annual Meeting blogExit Disclaimer for session highlights, and follow the meeting on Twitter using conference hashtag #APHA11Exit Disclaimer and with the @APHAAnnualMtgExit Disclaimer account.

The 2010 APHA Annual Meeting was the first time I used social media in a conference setting. With 10,000 attendees and 1,000 sessions, it can be difficult to connect with people at this conference. As an attendee I found following the conference Twitter hashtag helped me find other attendees who share my interests. Through Twitter I learned about the Health Global ProjectExit Disclaimer that covers e-health and social media.

If this is your first time using any of these tools, please review our New Media Tools information. If you have never used social media at conference, try listening with one tool and share your experience in a blog comment. I look forward to interacting with you at APHA.