#RyanWhite2016: AIDS.gov supports HRSA conference

The 2016 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care and Treatment Exit Disclaimer begins on August 23, in Washington, D.C., hosted by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).
This year’s theme, Forward Momentum: Accelerating Access. Optimizing Care. Transforming Public Health., recognizes the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program’s unwavering commitment to the National HIV/AIDS Strategy: Updated to 2020.
In support of this important event, the HIV.gov team will offer conference attendees a Social Media Lab and will also bring you daily conference coverage via Facebook Live interviews, blogs, social media updates and more. Get more details below and stay tuned!
Social Media Lab:
HRSA and HIV.gov are collaborating to offer a free Social Media Lab for all conference attendees to get tailored social media assistance. In your 20 minute 1-on-1 session, our social media experts will help you enhance your HIV messages and service delivery by: improving your outreach, developing a digital communications plan, understanding how to create engagement, and much more. You have social media questions, we have answers!
- Location:
Federal Village, Exhibit Hall
- Lab Hours:
Wednesday, August 25: 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Thursday, August 26: 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Note: If you can’t make it to the Social Media Lab during the conference, HIV.gov can still help! Get social media questions answered via Virtual Office Hours. Book your appointment here!
Facebook Live Interviews:

We loved that you loved our debut Facebook Live interviews from the International AIDS Conference in Durban last month. And we’re ready to do it all over again! Stay tuned for interviews with Federal leaders and Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program grant recipients at 11:00 A.M., 2:00 P.M, and 4:00 p.m. daily. You do not need to have a Facebook account to watch the interviews. Stay tuned for our interview schedule and visit our Facebook PageExit Disclaimer to watch.
Social Media:
We will be using FacebookExit Disclaimer, TwitterExit Disclaimer, and InstagramExit Disclaimer to keep you plugged in all day, every day, of the conference. Follow the conversation with #RyanWhite2016Exit Disclaimer. And be sure to follow @RyanWhite2016 and @HRSAgovExit Disclaimer.
Whether or not you are attending the #RyanWhite2016Exit Disclaimer conference, we hope you will check out our digital resources coming soon.