ICMYI: World AIDS Day and Toward 2017

Content From: AIDS.govPublished: January 03, 20173 min read
World AIDS Day Logo

As the HIV.gov team reflects on 2016 and looks forward to 2017, today we recap our World AIDS Day 2016 posts.

From the White House

The White House published a blog post.

From the Department of Health and Human Services
From the Departments of State, Justice, Veterans Affairs, and Labor
For 2017

AIDS blogged about an exciting announcement: In Spring 2017 we will be changing our name from HIV.gov to HIV.gov.

All these blogs speak to the state of the epidemic in 2016 -- and to many facets of our national response as we move into 2017. As you start the new year, please subscribe to our blog and mark your calendar with the 2017 HIV-related health observances.