Call for Abstracts: 2015 National Summit on HCV and HIV Diagnosis, Prevention, and Access to Care
The 2015 National Summit on HCV and HIV Diagnosis, Prevention, and Access to Care is seeking abstract submissions. Scheduled for June 4-6, 2015 in Arlington, Virgini a, the mission of the Summit is to support improvement in HCV and HIV testing, prevention, and linkage to care in the United States. Participants from the nation’s public health scientific and advocacy leadership will meet to discuss state-of-the-art mechanisms and initiatives to support the National HIV/AIDS Strategy and the Action Plan for the Prevention, Care and Treatment of Viral Hepatitis.
Organizers are seeking abstracts that new and relevant information about the implementation of routine or expanded testing activities furthering prevention and access, linkage and retention in care in the United States. Specifically, abstracts fitting these categories are sought:
A. Routine and Expanded TestingB. Prevention ModelsC. Outcomes and Impact EvaluationD. Access, Linkage and Retention in Care
The Forum for Collaborative HIV ResearchExit Disclaimer is convening the Summit. Founded in 1997, the Forum is a public/private partnership addressing cutting edge science and policy issues through a process of stakeholder engagement and deliberation.
The deadline for submitting abstracts is March 9, 2015. For more information on abstract submission, read the full call for abstractsExit Disclaimer. For more information on the Summit, visit Disclaimer.