Blog Digest: Your one-stop reading about World AIDS Day 2014

Content From: Deb LeBel, Partnerships Specialist, AIDS.govPublished: December 19, 20143 min read


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This month, many individuals and organizations in the HIV community were exceptionally busy organizing, attending, and communicating about local, state, regional, national, and international events in observance of World AIDS Day 2014.

In case you missed any of our posts leading up to World AIDS Day, we offer a list below (in reverse order). We encourage you to share these posts as you continue your work for HIV/AIDS awareness.December 2, 2014: The day after World AIDS Day, the blog cross-posted this White House blog post, Focus, Partner, Achieve: How the United States Is Helping to Lead the Fight Against AIDS, which included a video message from President Obama.

December 1, 2014: On World AIDS Day, the blog posted eight posts from HIV/AIDS programs within U.S. Government agencies. Among these was the post featuring the Presidential Proclamation: World AIDS Day 2014. You can click on the links below to read messages from NIH, CDC, PEPFAR, the Department of Justice, HRSA and more.

November 24 - November 28, 2014: During the week of Thanksgiving, four blog posts focused on the status of the epidemic and offered key resources. We also announced the opportunity to watch the December 1st White House 2014 World AIDS Day Event broadcast.

Early in November, the blog began to note World AIDS Day with two key posts.

November 12, 2014: Key Conversations in 2014: HIV PreventionNovember 3, 2014: World AIDS Day: Focus. Partner. Achieve – An AIDS-free GenerationBlogs are an essential communication tool for to extend key messages from HIV/AIDS Awareness Days. We hope this World AIDS Day blog digest will be a comprehensive resource to learn about and share developments from this year's commemoration.

How did you re-use or share these posts, or use your own blogging platforms this World AIDS Day?