Webinar Page: Updated! Free!

Content From: Deb LeBel, Partnerships Specialist, AIDS.govPublished: November 04, 20142 min read


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Why Webinars?We have heard from many that it can be difficult to learn about or keep track of multiple webinars and online training events occurring all over the country. To make that task easier, offers our enhanced Webinars page—a resource to help the HIV community find and register for webinars and get tips on webinar planning.Mehroz Baig, Communications Specialist at the San Francisco Department of Public HealthCenter for Learning and InnovationExit Disclaimer, says: "The webinar page provides a great way to keep up with the conversation on HIV prevention. We can share what we're working on and also hear about the great work of our HIV-prevention partners. And the best part? If you miss it, there's an archive!"

What’s New on the Webinars Page?

As always, the Webinars page includes government-sponsored events, but we have recently revised it to include upcoming free, HIV-related webinars sponsored by community groups. The page also lists completed webinars, with links to archived webinars, slides, and supportive materials.

How To Use the Webinars Page?
  • Plan your own webinars more effectively by checking your proposed event dates against dates of previously announced webinars.
  • Keep your team updated by finding upcoming webinars that interest you and sharing that information with your colleagues.
  • Learn tips for planning your next webinar and use the Social Media resources page to promote your event.

Want to promote your webinar? welcomes suggested listings for potential inclusion on this page. Webinars must be free and of interest to the HIV community nationally. Email with the subject line “Webinar Page Submission (Agency Name)”. Please include 5 items: (1) webinar date, (2) title, (3) sponsor and webinar link, (4) registration link, and (5) brief description of the webinar in the body of the email.How do webinars fit into your communication plan? What tips do you have for planning an effective webinar that improves our collective response to HIV?